Break up!

Man's Best Friend
You know your in trouble when:
- You buy another pack of cigs the moment your lighter fits into the box.
- Your gums are more black than red.
- You walk 800m to 7-11 at 1.30am to stock up on ya fags on a night out simply because you cant envision yourself left with 2sticks at a pub till 3am.
- You manage to smoke 3 full packs at a barbeque / Europa
- You can't go through a 2hr lecture without a smoke break.
- One pack barely last 2hrs on a night out.
- You've just smoked 2 1/2packs in the last 4 hours.
I'm sad to say I've met all the requirements. Which brings me to the next point. It's time for me to cut down and eventually quit smoking! I've never thought I'll say this but yep, I guess it's about time.
It's bad for my health, but it's even worse for my wallet. There's a strong correlation between the number fags smoked and the weight of my wallet. Granted, there're confounding variables like no. of beers drunk and even lurking variables like whether Man Utd overcomes it's -1 3/4 handicap the next game (wah stats, I'm like so gonna ace my mid term for my stats module), but I've gotta stop for the sake of my health and my cashflow!
Don't get me wrong. I love my fags! But the problem is, it's gotten to a point whereby the fags are controlling me. I've lost the power of choice. It's become part and parcel of my lifestyle, a non-subsitute-able item in my everyday life. Which I guess is the ultimate signal for me to do something about it. It wouldn't be easy. It might even take the longest time. But I'm gonna take it step by step. I'm gonna cut down on the Marlboros. =)
It's been wonderful relationship, 8yrs in the making, but every relationship's gotta come to an end. Peace to you darling! =)
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