Update! =)

how true =(
I've been meaning to post something but it seems that I get turned off whenever I look at this page. Maybe it's the all the reports I've had to rush, this interface so reminds me of bloody Microsoft Word.
But since I'm so drained from another enjoyable day of mugging, just thought that maybe I'll stare at this page and type whatever nonsense that comes to mind.
Which, after like a good twenty minutes, is nothing. I could tell you about my mugging experiences but I sense that you people are already pretty close to clicking that 'x' at the top right hand corner. So I'll pass.
Honestly, there's pretty much on my mind, just can't put it into words.
Those who know me should know that I've never liked the idea of finding the perfect date/girlfriend. I just kinda thought that wanting a (perspective) partner to change his or her (bad) habits to suit ur personal preferences seems selfish. Accepting a person's faults are as important as realising his or her good plus'. I would elaborate, but that's gonna eat into my mugging time.
I'll just say that now I need somebody to change. Kinda ironic ain't it?
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