'Now Everyone Can Fly'My. fucking. arse. But I'll get to that in awhile.
So anyways, day 6 was spent packing up and watching Southpark and DMC in the hotel room, since we had nothing better to do at this point already. 5pm quickly came and it was time for our 12 hour ride to Phuket.
all excited, 5pm. T_T
our ride
'are we there yet?'
and finally, Phuket Airport, 4am.
Kerk is very happy
but cb, what's this. Luckily, Air-fucking-Asia was the only airline which wasn't cancelled, or so we thought.
crowds form at about 5am
and oh yes, fuck you AirAsiaAnd yea, this is the part where I curse Air-fucking-Asia to hell. After the 12 hour ride to Phuket, and a 3 hour wait, we found the Air Asia check in counter empty. Despite the monitor saying that flights were going on as per normal. Sick of waiting, we decided to go to its booth to enquire, and oh joy, the flight was cancelled cause the plane was grounded in Bangkok
(or something like that, but i don't care).
And why was there no fucking attempt at any point in time to try to communicate this information to us, either earlier through email or through the airport monitor displays. It's as if the fucking sub-standard rubbish turd shite of an airline thought that if they kept quiet, the passengers would just disappear. What's the point of taking down the passenger's particulars you are not going to contact them if a delay occurs. And this wasn't even an unexpected delay. On the contrary, it was so expected that I wonder why these pathetic turds even sold tickets in the fucking first place
(oh, my planes are stuck, but I'll sell tickets anyways. Who cares if I might not actually manage to get the flight moving. I'm a shite airline, I don't care).
So the useless son of a shite bitch (USSB) at the booth offered us a flight to KL instead, saying there were 5 spaces available. So we told the USSB to hold the tickets for us so we could go get our passports. We had even barely began moving when USSB told us that the tickets were gone through online booking. So what is the point of a fucking booth if you cannot hold 4 fucking tickets for 2 fucking minutes?
and yes, so we sleep on the cold airport floor again.And because no attempt was made to contact us about the delay, we were unable to get an alternative flight, with the next available flight 4 days away. Thus began our sidequest of harassing the check-in counter staff of other
(better) airlines to see if there were places to slot us in. Failure after failure, we were about to give up hope when Les remembered a final Silkair flight. And we managed, thank God, to get on that.
home sweet homeHomeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. And what a way to end a trip.