Figured I'll just write something random to keep my blog alive, after all, Christmas has passed for about a month now.
Well, it's a new year, but nothing much seems to have changed, besides aging another year. 23 now, time really flies. There used to be a time when I thought I'll be 18 forever. Until I hit 19 and NS begun. Then I wished that the two and a half years would pass quickly.
Otherwise, everything remains the same. School, zotggi status, the 'bad company' label, the DoTA, the drinking and the cigs.
School. It's barely been 3 weeks and its shocking how behind time I am. In fact, as of now, I'm 6chapters of General Bio, 3chapters of urban economics, 3chapters of finance, and 3chapters of land law behind time. It's make or break sem, this. I'll like to see myself build a healthy barrier away from that bloody 2nd lower. The way I'm going, it's not gonna happen. Gotta buck up!
The cigs. Maybe it's time to kick the habit. Maybe not. It's bizarre the way I know how the cigs ain't doing me any good, yet I've got no urge to stop.
The DoTA. I'll like to warmly welcome my latest warrior, YUDA! Although he hides it, I can see that deep inside, he loves the game but is too proud to admit it. Embrace the game, and reveal your emotions my brother! ^^
I want to drive by August this year. Basic theory test's 10days away. Yes, basic theory test. It's amazing, the extent of my procastination. I've been wanting to retake the test since I was slightly over 18.
Ya still with me? Either way, I'm gonna continue with my random blabbering. So what's a new year without resolutions. So here goes.
1. Get the goddam license.
2. A 4.5 cap score this sem.
3. Win the Saggf Challenge 2007. (Suckit Yd)
4. Strike the Chinese New Year Toto.
5. Make wishes like Ky.
Well, there were many more, but I figured that I shouldn't be too greedy. Just came across Mitch Albom's new book. Well, I don't really know if it's new, but I've not seen it before, so I'm guessing it is. Read the first few pages. Looks promising. Will keep you posted. I love reading when I have nothing better to do. Nothing beats a cigarette and a good book. Except a cigarette and a beer.
Oh! And here's wishing Auch a speedy recovery from the condition his having. (Click on picture to see the severity of the situation)

don't worry Auch, they say it's curable
Just kidding, don't kill me please. T_T
Erm, yea, thats about it. So it's no more x'mas a little when you come here Yd. You know I love you. But I'm still gonna win the challenge. ^^
To end off...
matrocker: ninja turtles is watch with guy one leh
Are you sure Ky? I thought it was your kind of date movie. ^^

Well, it's a new year, but nothing much seems to have changed, besides aging another year. 23 now, time really flies. There used to be a time when I thought I'll be 18 forever. Until I hit 19 and NS begun. Then I wished that the two and a half years would pass quickly.
Otherwise, everything remains the same. School, zotggi status, the 'bad company' label, the DoTA, the drinking and the cigs.
School. It's barely been 3 weeks and its shocking how behind time I am. In fact, as of now, I'm 6chapters of General Bio, 3chapters of urban economics, 3chapters of finance, and 3chapters of land law behind time. It's make or break sem, this. I'll like to see myself build a healthy barrier away from that bloody 2nd lower. The way I'm going, it's not gonna happen. Gotta buck up!
The cigs. Maybe it's time to kick the habit. Maybe not. It's bizarre the way I know how the cigs ain't doing me any good, yet I've got no urge to stop.
The DoTA. I'll like to warmly welcome my latest warrior, YUDA! Although he hides it, I can see that deep inside, he loves the game but is too proud to admit it. Embrace the game, and reveal your emotions my brother! ^^
I want to drive by August this year. Basic theory test's 10days away. Yes, basic theory test. It's amazing, the extent of my procastination. I've been wanting to retake the test since I was slightly over 18.
Ya still with me? Either way, I'm gonna continue with my random blabbering. So what's a new year without resolutions. So here goes.
1. Get the goddam license.
2. A 4.5 cap score this sem.
3. Win the Saggf Challenge 2007. (Suckit Yd)
4. Strike the Chinese New Year Toto.
5. Make wishes like Ky.
Well, there were many more, but I figured that I shouldn't be too greedy. Just came across Mitch Albom's new book. Well, I don't really know if it's new, but I've not seen it before, so I'm guessing it is. Read the first few pages. Looks promising. Will keep you posted. I love reading when I have nothing better to do. Nothing beats a cigarette and a good book. Except a cigarette and a beer.
Oh! And here's wishing Auch a speedy recovery from the condition his having. (Click on picture to see the severity of the situation)
don't worry Auch, they say it's curable
Just kidding, don't kill me please. T_T
Erm, yea, thats about it. So it's no more x'mas a little when you come here Yd. You know I love you. But I'm still gonna win the challenge. ^^
To end off...
matrocker: ninja turtles is watch with guy one leh
Are you sure Ky? I thought it was your kind of date movie. ^^

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