Some Random-ness for the Day
A wedding I was at recently..

I like my expression in the picture.

Although it's poseur-ish, act cool and a carries a general 'wtf?' feeling, I like it anyway. That kinda explains why this pic's now on my msn and friendster.
Sadly, this is not an attempt at photo-whoring. This is completely random. I'm just trying to delay the inevitable trip back to my books by trying to give myself something to do.

I like my expression in the picture.

Although it's poseur-ish, act cool and a carries a general 'wtf?' feeling, I like it anyway. That kinda explains why this pic's now on my msn and friendster.
Sadly, this is not an attempt at photo-whoring. This is completely random. I'm just trying to delay the inevitable trip back to my books by trying to give myself something to do.
errrmm hate to burst ur bubble but ur face looks more like u saw something tat you really want but have to hold yourself back from getting it. like "oh... "lolz...
haha, i thought it was more like a 'wtf am i doing on stage' kinda look..
but anyhows its definately a marked improvement over my 'mong huan bo 2005 and 2006' tho, so i guess it's pretty alrite. =)
i didn't get the mong huan bo 2005/6 though.. =p
you should name this "carene said 3 things" lol
mong huan bo 2005/06 were 2 exceeding 'hot' pics of urs truly. u can find them somewhere in the blog ^^
anywae yd, gotta keep good relations wif carene cuz shes gonna intro me to some babes when she gets back! lol~
yd i dun understand..
and yes foong i caught the hint.. lol
thank you in advance! ^^
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