Thursday, October 26, 2006


I know it's kinda unethical to publish e-mails from others but I was pretty pissed off by this fella from my tutorial.

For your info, the tutorial participation, powerpoint slides, and presentation mentioned held a grand total of 0, 0, and 4% of the course grade.

Hello all,

I'm ok with any one of them. Gab can you decide? Do you have Ezekiel's contact? could you inform him about this? It would be good if we go down this weekend.

As for the rest of our group mates who haven't replied, i guess we shall not waste time and stop playing the waiting game. The deadline is tight enough. If nothing has been heard out from them by Saturday, I would email our tutor telling her that they are forming their own separate group. Either that or I would send her a petition that would be cced to both our lecturers to ask that they not be given the same grade as the rest of the group.

I don't see why and how is it fair that we should get the same grade if not everyone is contributing. Even if they are busy, it is their responsibility to inform us and keep us updated in the first place.

As mentioned in our tutor's email, she would require us to submit our powerpoint slides on our presentation on Family and Deviance before the next tutorial? Could I have the slides by the midnight of Tuesday, so that I could combine them and email it to her in time?
Do remember to include your Full name and Matric Number. Those who did not send in by the mid-night of Tuesday, I would just leave out your name. I'm not sure but apparently she's using this to gauge tutorial participation.

Whatever happened to the friendly cooperation?

I've heard of overly petty students but this is the first time I've actually met one.


(anyway, if you're guessing, I replied to his email and did my work, so his not talking about me, but im still pissed.)

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Don't Press That Pause Button!

I know I'm not well known for my taste in good music but this song's a dream if you listen to music for the lyrics. Or if you are zotggi.

方力申- 好好恋爱






News Watch With Foong!

Due to an absolute lack of life and creativity, I have decided to do something new to keep my blog updated! I'll comment on the news!

It's a brilliant idea, because I read the Newpaper everyday to kill time while traveling to and from school, and because the Newpaper's full of crap news that holds zero political/social/economical importance. This means I'm basically free to write on my first impressions upon reading about the irrelevance of what was reported without any thought, research and whatsoever.

So there was this article about this ball-less and lifeless person taking a picture of three people hogging seats on the train and mass emailing it with the intent of shaming them.

Why ball-less because as majorly pissed as he was, he basically kept quiet and did nothing but take a bloody picture. If he was as pissed as he made himself out to be, perhaps waking them up and telling those three to stop behaving like animals, sit down properly, and put their bags on the floor was a better course of action. Of course, he didn't, which is why he deserves to be called ball-less.

Why lifeless is obvious.

Of course, I think those three seat hoggers were animals. Yet what I found most laughable was the report writer's pathetic attempt at defending the three seat hoggers in a sad attempt to give the report balance. That he added a 'perhaps' doesn't help.

'The boy's right arm is in a sling.'

'The woman looks tired'

'Could the parents have just left the hospital with their son, who may have fractured his right arm?'

Of course, it is a well known fact that all fractured arms require elaborate 30hour marathon life-threatening operations, which thus left the parents so worried they hardly slept for last 30hours.

What was more pathetic is the writer's implication that those animals' actions could be understandable because they were tired. It is not. If it were, we're probably see students, blue/white collar workers, soldiers of all vocations, and basically everyone who had a reason to be tired lying down on the seats snoring in the trains.

But we don't. There is recognized code of behaviour that we know we should adhere to. As tired as people are, as strong as the urge to just lie down comfortably and sleep is, they don't. Because they have self-control. And that's what separates people from animals.

To end, those who know me know I'm horribly bad at analogies. Which is why I shall attempt to give one now. If someone hasn't had sex for 10 years, and then rapes a hot babe, should we sympathize him along the lines of something like; 'well, he hasn't had sex for 10 years and was understandable horny', or do we despise him for being an animal.

I realize this whole rant is incoherent and makes no sense. I also realize that by writing this shite I'm also lifeless to a certain extent. But I did it for you fuggas who actually bother to visit to see my sad attempts at writing.

At least I updated ok. T_T

(ps: actually, the report was more on the legal liability of the ball-less and lifeless person but it was kinda the description of the incident that appealed more to me. Hence, the above. Of course, this might not be doing the writer of the report justice, but heck, it's my blog. ^^)

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Once In a While

it's nice to know that you've done the right thing, altho it might take abit longer for me to convince myself.